Quote: The Most Powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come. -Steve Jobs
Penny the Paper Peddler of the Peddler's Post writing a letter with Gus peeking.

Peddler's Post Blog Spot

Amy, PR Director of the Citrus Writers of Florida

The day my pen ran out of ink

I was 19 years old living in a one stop light town in east central Alabama. I had moved there nearly 3 years prior with

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Picture if Author John-Charles Miller


John Charles Miller shares a short story about the ghost towns in Citrus County if you want to know more check out his book 8220

Picture of local Author MaryAnn Sciavillo-Lopez

Captain Rattlebones

MaryAnn Sciavillo Lopez is a local author and shares a tale of hidden treasure right here in Citrus County

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Mary Lu Scholl picture, member of the Citrus Writers of Florida

Big Foot Love

Mary Lu Scholl shares a quaint love story a run off story of her character in her series titled 8220 Nature Coast Calamities

Picture of by K. L. Small local author and member of the Citrus Writers of Florida

Grandma’s December Cookies

K L Small shares a fun story about Grandma 8217 s December Cookies and includes a yummy recipe so you can make them yourself <

Mary Lu Scholl picture, member of the Citrus Writers of Florida

More Rowing than Fishing

Mary Lu Scholl a local author and member of Citrus Writers of Florida shares her adventurous boating escapades

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