YOUR PERSONAL CLASSIFIED AD IS FREE!!! Submit your classified ad by the 18th of each month and include your full name and phone number! Your free classified ads may also be submitted in the below ways:
1) Mail to P.O. Box 619, Floral City, FL 34436
2) Email to [email protected]
3) Send us a message on Facebook. You can find us at Peddler’s Post Community Paper.
All classified ads MUST be legible and include:
1) Your Name
2) Telephone Number
3) Your ad information
4) County
Ads will not be published without this information. Â There is no limit on wording but please be reasonable. Â Ads will be edited for length if necessary.
Peddler’s Post reserves the right to deny any ad at any time for any reason.Â
Business ads are 6 lines for $7.50, each additional line is $0.50!
Enter your business classified in the form and we will email you with a price for your ad along with an invoice and a link to our payment page where you can make payment.Â
Business Classified ads are due no later than end of the day on the 18th of the month. Payment is due no later than the 20th of the month.Â