Donna Consiglio Member of the Citrus Writers of Florida

25 Affirmations for Writers by Donna Consiglio

I must do the things I think I cannot do, even if one of those things is writing.

I’ve got nothing to lose—except the document I’m working on when the computer crashes.

I surround myself with people who love and support me—and buy my books.

I am a writer.  I am allowed to feel upset, angry, and sad sometimes—I’m not A.I.

I am creative and inspired—until the pen is in my hand and the paper is staring at me, waiting.

I accept myself unconditionally—my characters, not so much.

I have confidence in my decisions—,except when it comes to whether or not to use a comma.

I fill my mind with positive, nourishing thoughts and my notepad with ideas I will never write about.

I choose not to compare myself to others—unless we are talking about word count.

I am valued and appreciated at my desk, especially by my cat, while I’m trying to type.

I am in control of my life—but my characters tend to wander off like unattended children.

Every choice I make leads to bigger and better opportunities—or more plot holes.

I choose to participate fully in my day—unless it involves editing.

My body is relaxed. My mind is calm. My soul is at peace. My characters are running all over the place.

I am loved just for being who I am, even if this is not reflected in my most recent Amazon book review.

I know my worth, I’m just ahead of my readers on this awareness.

Courage starts with showing up and thrusting that autocorrect will have my breast intentions in mind.

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within, but my writing achievements thus far will not pay my electric bill.

I wait for the unprecedented—as I watch my manuscript get lost somewhere on my computer to never be seen again.

I am deliberate and afraid of nothing—except for finding an error after my book has been published.

My life is about to be incredible—is what I would say if I made it on the New York Times best-seller list.

I must be willing to let go of the story I planned—’cause I lost my outline.

I am safe and surrounded by love and support,  although my search history will not support that.

I have everything I need to succeed, if by everything you mean a stash of notebooks that are just too good to write in.

I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, but not the write thing.

Self-care for writers checklist:

  • Torment relatives by making them characters in your story.
  • Delete all questionable queries from your search history.
  • Turn rejection letters into paper dolls.
  • Buy another notebook that is too good to write in.
  • For a good laugh, reread something you wrote 10 years ago.
  • Start a new writing project that you will never complete.

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