Elaine member of Citrus Writers of Florida

Thank You My Dear Community Members!

I am thankful for the people in our community. When I first moved here nearly a dozen years
ago it was a great big landscape change. I came from a large city and this was a bit rural for
me but not overly. I had visited much larger countrysides. This is where I first independently
published my books. I’ve met a lot of people here over the years and I have worked with
many as they lived out their last days on earth. To say it’s sad would probably be an
understatement for some. I would argue it’s precious. Precious souls that share their own
personal experiences to hopefully inspire others to do the same. An honest exchange of
information for the betterment of humanity, a valuable lesson that! What’s more are the little
details that encompass those exchanges, whether a slight smile from a veteran that rarely
showed any emotion or the fleeing family members that can’t seem to process, and/or are
unwilling to deal with the reality of, their loved one being called home. Speaking of home,
when I think of home, it’s a warm, tangible feeling of love, filled with peace and laughter. The
reality that many have yet to experience that presses me to bring to light the need for standins whether parents, mentors, counsellors or coaches. I also know a few of these in this
community. People that stand out amidst the crowd and offer encouragement to those that
need to be pointed in the right direction. Many of these are, or have been, law enforcement
officers. May God bless our law enforcement officers and our community members with an
enduring love for people and may we all honor the truth.
Another thing that stands out in this community is the astounding number of events. You can
pick up the Citrus County Chronicle, The Home Town Citrus Magazine, the Peddler’s Post and
you still won’t even see all of the events that are happening right here in Citrus County. That is
how active our community is. I don’t know how many times I would hear the Bay News 9 TV
station report “The Strawberry Festival was this weekend and…” and I would be like “Why am
I only hearing about these events after they’ve already passed?” I found the answer was quite
simple. The news I was watching wasn’t reporting upcoming events. They were reporting past
events. If you want upcoming events you have to read those venues that are looking forward
and not backward. Kind of like a life lesson there. We should always look forward to a good
event we desire to see and not look backward. The past is the past and the future is imminent.
Let’s make it a bright future where people thrive in good things and share the bread of
Sincerity and Truth.
If all that you leave in this world are the words that you have spoken, doesn’t it seem good and
right to speak good and right things, and write them? One must know that there is a desperate
need for some people to know that they are welcomed. Many having borne the sting of
rejection throughout their whole lives being disappointed by the lack of leadership in their
homes, whether it be by a parent with drug addiction, or by a guardian that betrayed them.
The strong have the will to survive and press on to the next day. For the weaker, the strong
must inspire them to keep moving forward and to never give up… no matter how hard it is.
There is a better place to press toward.
I hope that this message to you this day is clear and concise, being well received by my
community members. Positive results are achieved by good productivity. Good productivity
begins with us. What we think about and how we speak is very important. If we pause a
moment to consider the words that we share and the impact they can have on another, it will
be a good step in the right direction.
Speaking of stepping in the right direction, that is an action word, stepping. Use all those
hardships that you may have experienced in your life as a stepping stone toward a better
tomorrow. One where people are respected and loved, children are protected and breaking
records is encouraged. Break the record of repeat when it comes to a dismal past knowing
victory is indeed within your reach. Get out of the tiny box that others attempt to mentally
keep you in. Keep your thoughts victory focused. Focus on positive answers when tackling
problems. Don’t be so afraid to fail that you don’t try. Because to not try, is that in itself failure?
Consider the risks of course, of losing, but also weigh the risks of winning. Generations of
people have yet to be shaped on the landscape of life. Let’s help them also leave a legacy of
victorious and honorable exchanges and interactions with their fellow man. You can make a
good difference. Just try!
Speaking of try, that is also an action word. It requires perhaps a new method of approach at
times to tackle some of the more difficult tasks. A new way of doing things is a great way to
keep your mind engaged in action learning. A prismed approach to problem solving will
provide a puzzle worth solving.
So remember, share your valuable experiences with those who need encouragement, stay
focused on positive events, think and speak good things with sincerity in truth, ever stepping
forward in a good and right direction to water the souls of posterity.
Many Warm Regards.
Written By Elaine T Kleid on this day of March 9, 2024

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